YouTube – FTC – Think of the Children – Censorship – Round 3!

YouTube Censorship Round 3 title.

Aww geez! Not another YouTube rant!

It's a time that as a blogger we address the proverbial elephant in the room. The last few things YouTube has done I've remained quiet about. Mostly in the respect that I've already said my piece about them and have suggested to people to try other outlets. From their de-monetization policy, a word that if you uttered 10 years ago people would scratch their heads and ask you "What the hell are you talking about?" To "Adpocalypse" and "AI mass deletion" to now with this whole "COPPA/FTA" ordeal. I feel it's time to address these issues in an environment that YouTube nor Google cannot control.

This very blog. I should throw a small disclaimer that these are the opinions of In such, you should do your investigative research to form your own opinions on the subject matter. Don't be a lemming!

Read on if you want to know more!

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What the hell twitch?

Fractured Twitch Title.

Dear Twitch streamers,

We're sorry to write up an article like this about twitch. But we're here to inform you that you as a watcher and a streamer are human. Not machines! This may come as a shock to some of you out there. However, we urge you to please refrain from reaching up to pull the umbilical chord from your esophagus. It hurts really bad! 

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Google, Facebook, Medium, Humanity?

Facebook, Medium, Google, and Humanity.

......And so the mask falls off.

When the Cambridge Analytica used a software API to mine for a potential of 50 million accounts from Facebook which was later sold off to various political parties. The public relations bombshell on the social platform may have shocked some.

However, our reaction was not of disgust or shock. But instead of complete indifference. It only confirms what we knew already. That Facebook manipulates its user base in a horrific psychological manner in order to attain a profit. Now you’re getting Ex-CEO’s coming out stating that what they did is horrible trying to apologize to the public. To which the only thing we say to their comments is:

Apology denied!

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Spam dissection – Episode 003

Spam and SEO Dissection Title

Welcome to Spam and SEO dissection episode 3!

Oh boy oh boy I haven't done a spam dissection in a while! We typically do these once a year or so because spam generally takes a while to cycle out their sales pitches! For those new to our blog spam dissection is where we show you all of the terrible shit that comes into your typical WordPress users spam box. Then we turn around and make fun of it all. As fun as the A.I. Generated texts are that make you think that you're on "Feminute" with Infochammel we're not going to do those.

But if we find a few we might post as honorable mentions! From scammers to spammers this is the section of our site where we let them have a voice and answer their questions without giving them the credit they think they deserve by embedding links to their websites. Interesting note: No spam articles were ever posted to Spam dissection episodes 1 and 2. I guess they don't like it when you make fun of them! Lets keep doing it!

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Net Neutrality – Both options are failures.

The two poisonous decisions of Net Neutrality.

It's time for S to throw opinions down on a very boring subject.

Imagine that net-neutrality for a moment is a type of government. You as a citizen are given a choice. Either choose communism, or totalitarianism with just some sprinkles of cronyism. You are told that by masses of highly influential people to go with communism because it's the lesser of two evils. Of course in this scenario you ask yourself:

Isn't there a better choice? - S

Oh shit, now the glares are setting in. The shaming from your peers and friends begin to kick in as well. Read onward if you wish to hear rando-furry shouting at the clouds.

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Maybe you shouldn’t think with Google.

Thinking with Google isn't thinking at all!

There have been these ads for Google that have been popping up on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook all coming from the same site known simply as "" These people are marketers who think that they are as awesome as the TV show like Mad Men where they feel that they are Gods of changing human thought. All the while placing their parent company Google as being the know-all of the internet while discrediting the people that helped make them as powerful as who they are. This entry is to show you that sometimes not all marketing and publicity can be good.

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Spam dissection – Episode 002

Spam and SEO Dissection Title

Welcome to Spam and SEO dissection episode 2!

Welcome once again to Spam dissection episode #2. Where we deal with scammer and spammers. All of them going out of their way to get their website promoted in all of the wrong ways instead of legitimately coming at a blogger like a reasonable human being. From scammers to spammers this is the section of our site where we let them have a voice and answer their questions without giving them the credit they think they deserve by embedding links to their websites.


We just want to say that every real message we get on our contact forums and in no way would we openly mock messages in the public light. Many of the e-mails I will be presenting to you are blatant spam and chances are many other sites have received the same message. If you are a spammer which is somehow easily offended (does that even exist?) then you may want to stop reading right now. This article is a rant/vent article and should not be taken seriously. Read the FAQ if this is your first time on this site and you have further questions about the function of this site.

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YouTube – Round 2 – Censorship fight!

YouTube Rant Title.

Oh man, we can't just leave YouTube alone!

I have already published an article a while back about how YouTube's practices are terrible in terms of content creators with the classical slogan of "Where's the fair use?" Now for those who care you can check out that article before this one. But normally a company that does something inherently flawed and against its content creator base would attempt to fix the problem they started. At least I thought that was happening due to the last copyright claim that we fought (and won) on YouTube. But YouTube has decided instead of cooling down the situation that instead they're going to add some gasoline to the mix!

Read on if you wish to read our diatribes of text.

previously, previously

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Where’s the fair use Youtube?

YouTube Rant Title.

Let us go into further detail as to why we "walked away" from YouTube.

YouTube at the time of this posting is the number 1 video service that the entire internet goes to for all of its user-created content media needs. There was a time when even we used it. We now host almost all of our video blogs locally. This decision was mostly for a different problem dealing with links dying/moving around. But lately, another problem has come up dealing with a tactic known as "Content Citation." YouTube even hit us over a demonstration video we wanted to show to people who responded to this blog. That one of my hacks indeed does work.

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Website – Online year round.

Website title.

Your website is important boys and girls.

It's time to sit down and have a conversation about websites. Although hardly qualified to talk about such matters there seems to be a running problem that I have seen when surfing the net over and over again. Which simply put, no one really puts forth the time/effort into their website. We are guilty of this as well at so to those who think I'm being hypocritical:

Yeah, you're totally right.


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