Aww geez! Not another YouTube rant!
It's a time that as a blogger we address the proverbial elephant in the room. The last few things YouTube has done I've remained quiet about. Mostly in the respect that I've already said my piece about them and have suggested to people to try other outlets. From their de-monetization policy, a word that if you uttered 10 years ago people would scratch their heads and ask you "What the hell are you talking about?" To "Adpocalypse" and "AI mass deletion" to now with this whole "COPPA/FTA" ordeal. I feel it's time to address these issues in an environment that YouTube nor Google cannot control.
This very blog. I should throw a small disclaimer that these are the opinions of In such, you should do your investigative research to form your own opinions on the subject matter. Don't be a lemming!
Read on if you want to know more!