Listing of respected webrings.
For those who want to drive right into the "Meat and Potatoes" and want to see linkage. We'll bring everything up front. Any links where people have personally contacted us will go into Cellar Door. These groups of people we joined are kind enough to share our link on their site. Thus, we return the favor. House Rules and details are below.
Instead of simply vomiting a ton of buttons on a screen and letting you determine where to go based on a picture or short animation. We're going to describe sites. We feel it's a bit of a disservice as a blogger to have links going somewhere only to turn around and say nothing about them. Also, it adds a bit of personality to it all knowing that we do indeed visit the sites that are on these webrings at LEAST once to describe them to you the reader.
Side benefit: For those rocking Lynx browsers it should make life hella easy for you since instead of clicking on a cluster of words hoping for the best you at least know where you are going.
Some house rules that only apply to
- Sorted by connectivity (Clearnet, Tor, I2P) first. Then, in alphabetical order with common word removal such as starting with "The-" or "www".
- We reserve the right to remove anyone from our site. Fuck around and find out.
- All add/remove/edit actions are manually driven. This means additions and removals won't be real-time and may be prone to error. Contact us if we did not add or remove your site.
- If the destination site does not have a webring it will not make it here; We make a few exceptions and often will be in danger of being removed. Webrings are participatory and it must be shared between all sides that you support the ring just as much as everyone else. This includes: (If you have links and this site is not a part of them. If you only have a handful of links you deem as favorite. And, if you only wish to display text because images ruin your site's aesthetic.) We would like to believe this is a reasonable request.
- Linking to someone else's webring site or GitHub does not count. That is just lazy. No.
- These are our rules of webring moderation and do not reflect the rules of Lainchan itself. Be grateful we don't moderate the mainline.;)
Original Article.
Death and Rebirth of Webrings.
Before all of this, we made an article about the death and rebirth of webrings. It's worth checking out in case you are wondering what this monstrosity to birth.
Honorable mentions.
Description: Furryring is a site that exists on Neocities to act as a webring hub. The fandom is close to our hearts. We can't join the furry ring as it enforces the execution of JavaScript that we the web administration cannot control. Sorry guys! But we'll at least throw a link here for those interested in checking out said sites.
Joined the FurRing (Updated 07/12/2024)
Description: As you could tell by the address this was an incredibly old Webring created by Mark Fried and is now taken over by the administration team of the furry restoration group. The rules of entry are you join their discord server. You tell them your website, address, and creation date.
The Lainchan Webrings (updated 09/07/2024)
Description: The Lainchan forum is where this Webring was born. It's a 'chan' because it's based on the image board/forum CMS of a similar name. Just like many chans, it's anonymous but it doesn't make Lainchan lawless. The mods there will remove comments that get out of hand. As for the Lain part, well! It's an anime that tackles a lot of subjects about existence on the net. And it's one of those anime's we watched and appreciated. Surprisingly it's one of those animes that every fanboy didn't attempt to beat me over the head on how awesome it is (we're looking at you Naruto, Attach on Titan, Death Note, and Evangelion people!) Anyhow, the rules were simple. Address, image.. That's it! There are optional things you can do like RSS however that is not necessary.
Right, now we explained the source. Let the pain scrolling begin from here!
Sites with multiple mirrors:
This section is for those who have put forth the effort in making their site multi-protocol or multi-domain allowing you to browse them on protocols beyond that of the clear-net. Because of their extra efforts, we bring these sites to the very top of our listings.
Onion/Tor: http://ilsstfnqt4vpykd2bqc7ntxf2tqupqzi6d5zmk767qtingw2vp2hawyd.onion:8080/
I2p: http://xzh77mcyknkkghfqpwgzosukbshxq3nwwe2cg3dtla7oqoaqknia.b32.i2p:9090/
Description: 0x19 took me a while to add. In part because I had no idea where their Webring ran off to. You'd think it would be in the 'resources' section as they have a 'Link Lists' category, but no! It's in the 'About' category! Anyhow, the site blog is very up-to-date containing a lot of blogging about OpenBSD as well as other topics of technical interest as far as style goes. They seem to have taken the path of motherfuckingwebsite and kept things as minimalistic as possible.
Onion/Tor: http://andrei3ufgijpzogyai6ejcrdwevzediyzubgqiltc2k42c2zyeakhid.onion/
Description: Andrei is a very graphical and professional-looking blog talking about tech but predominantly reviewing music and movies. Their blogs are very up-to-date showing things happening in their life and have another area called "Project 366" which is a collage of photos they have taken. Super rich in content and one of those sites that we were happy to discover via the webring. There are sections that break rather easily on his site as some of his media links back to YouTube which bars a person (depending on the country) from viewing but he describes what is happening so even if you didn't get the link you at least know.
Update 08/05/2024: In response to the paragraph above. Andrei has made a script which in-lines at the very least the preview pictures from YouTube preventing their website from loooking like it's breaking apart. Because a lot of their YouTube links are reviews this is possibly the best solution one could ask for as short of going through every link and redirecting to creators that don't country-lock their videos. Also added Tor link and placed into correct grouping.:)
The Arcade
Onion/Tor: http://artic725lafwfqnygqxraupupg7dtbf4own767duq2bxj3t7dszvzmid.onion/
Description: The Arcade has a lot of eye candy and is graphically very nice to look at. Although we're not entirely sure if the background art is the admins or not. It's a great start but nothing has been posted since 2023. Their videos section is at least self-hosted allowing Tor clients to check them out without breaking through to the clear-net side. But they do have a "YouTube" section if interested as well.
Onion/Tor: http://kfgw55ndxkdnxu42cntbm3fd7tthrxgruq4bewaxhc7iytysetmreuyd.onion
Description: Cozynet is another quality self-hosted website that has a little bit of everything. From animations, music, and personal blog entries. Hosting an IRC server (which sadly we have not tried) and keeping their weblinks generally up to date. It's one of the few websites we repeatedly visit because of how diverse the postings are on there. If we were to recommend a good starting point for self-hosting and the "Small-Web" in general. This would be one of those sites we would put right at the top of the list.
A little odd they don't have their clear-net resolve to Tor right away. But at least their Tor is functional which is why it's going to the top of the list!
Digital Void
Onion/Tor: http://c2ske4mrgriaedpj7iirzst33yt6gwomcisvwypsbx4tfk6ykrhhvkid.onion/
Description: Digital Void is a fairly new addition to the Webring with its last article a few months old at the time of this write-up. It's just a fairly straightforward personal blog. The only part that's a little bit of a bummer is despite having an onion address their guestbook routes to a clearnet which disrupts the flow of anonymous browsing a little when you scan through the categories.
Gitimiskon's Space
Onions/Tor: http://r53zi7kxyqd72fuvhztzi25fo2bze7fqjefze7k6t6kiq74pzaq5suyd.onion/
I2P: http://s5jiovqhpzbjqqibtd5ophlpnmcgenlmbvevzfq2hj5iepwix3aq.b32.i2p
Description: Getimiskon is a short website with a minimal blog section. We did find the Webring at the bottom of the page so all good there! They have been super friendly to me in Mastodon. Originally we had which also worked as well. We are very glad they graduated to their domain on this one!
Hidden Corner
Clearnet: *NONE!*
Onion/Tor #1: http://ubnm4kfxmjglxh2zrlunbxubg3knzr6wumixzkl5xmkc7h5oho4lx4qd.onion/
Onion/Tor #2: http://hidcorktriskdf6rz7xsgobe77a6mekyfjmc3byg5cpwvge32i5iqvad.onion/
I2P: http://6wtwgsezmmiwubp23abh2iwdpyteipmn5nwzgfwrcnygwvmthmzq.b32.i2p/
Description: Hidden Corner is one of those very few websites on the alternative network scene that has some staying power to them. Generally, sites that do not have a clear net and only have an Onion stay for a few weeks. Maybe a few months. and Disspear. This is understandable given the very nature of Tor and I2P to mask underneath anonymity. The Hidden Corner sort of defies this and has stayed online for the long haul! But in general, the Hidden Corner is someone's blog posting a variety of articles wrestling with life and privacy with the last posting to be sometime in 2023. Hidden Corner is exclusive to the alternative network as they do not have a clear-net address at all! Demonstrating you can have a visible site without spending terrible amounts of money on a clear-net domain and SSL.
Onion/Tor: http://intrcxv4fa72e5ovler5dpfwsiyuo34tkcwfy5snzstxkhec75okowqd.onion/
I2P: http://6jaqgde66kdsqct4ptzdj2vd32kblnk5scgwoprtmcreqbhobuhq.b32.i2p/
Description: Interloper is one site where we feel redundant as the graphic says exactly what's happening. A minimalist website with many services like an IRC server, mumble services. Their blog has also been slowly building up over the years with helpful articles about tech and breaking away from the dependencies of modern tech and the web. Like us, they're one of the few available on all net connection points.
Jakes Thoughts
Ontion/Tor: http://y5wnzw4e6i7srm2gqadlow5anhlaj5avdkzbwzbmrxwkygxdp7ffieqd.onion/
I2P: http://jakesthoughts.i2p/
Description: We stumbled across this guy's website well before the Webring when we too were travelers of the Tor network. Also the admin of . They were somewhat inspirational to us because they proved you could be discoverable on the Onion/Tor network. That there were not many blogs existing out there. It's just unfortunate they kinda stopped after 2022.
Liberty Witch
Clearnet: 303's to a 'name liquidate site'
Onion/Tor: http://mlucvtipzluwceniyzwxt52a3wdvu3t3ahdshht3sctc6hs4o2umqjad.onion/
Description: Liberty Witch is a personal website posting stories about psychonaughtical activities as well as why you should build a website along with other political blogs. Has not been updated since 2023 and the original clear-net address is now routing to a cybersquatter so we're not sure how long this site going to be around. This is unfortunate as Liberty Witch was a part of the Webring for a super long time.
Onion/Tor: http://sizeofaex6zgovemvemn2g3jfmgujievmxxxbcgnbrnmgcjcjpiiprqd.onion/
Description: SizeofCat has to be one of the most popular self-hosted blogs within the Webring universe with a very good reason. Because the author is always publishing something new to their site. Be it photos, tech articles, privacy, and opinion pieces. It's highly active and filled with a lot of great information about various subjects on the internet. from software and hardware tech articles. To other personal projects.
Sites on the Clearnet:
Single domain websites within the webring continue onward in alphabetical order.
Description: 3to (Strength. Skill. Spirit) is one of the newer additions to the Lainchain webring where it's not a blog like most as much as it is almost a business card describing the services that are currently live and being hosted on their server along with some of the projects that the administration has been involved with providing links to many of their coding projects. The interface is very clean and simple. Unsure of their last update on content.
Angels Are Mathematical
Description: If there is one thing we need to get off our chest right away with Angels is Mathematical. This website needs to win an award for opening up with one of the interest points being improvised explosives! Okay Okay! looking past that It's a Russian blogger showing off their art and talking about a lot of life subjects that are happening around them and the subjects they truly care about. Very cozy and traditional for a Neocities-Esque site.
Description: Antisocial is a fairly new blogger started up around the summer of 2024 and has been producing a lot of articles since. They have a music section that is more like a point-system review of the songs they like more so than actual music. Antisocial also has an art gallery in which they have some solid anime drawings going. Took us a few months before we could add as it lacked a webring. But it's there now! Thus, it is added to our list!
Argora Road
Description: Agora Road is a forum and a messaging board in many ways similar to how LainChan is governed. Harkening itself back to the time before social networks when it was encouraged to use a handle or alias instead of spilling your guts across the internet only for some negligent company to fuck off with it for a quick buck. Agora Road has a web page called "Agoras Travelers" which allows the denizens of its forum to post a link on their websites allowing fellow forum people to check out more of the "Small Web". Beyond checking out some of their topics S-Config has never signed up to Agora Road. Thus, it would be rude to ask to be a part of Agora Travelers if all we did was lurk. Whereas Lainchan encourages the Lurk. It's rare to see a forum appear on a Webring but it meets the requirements of participation as it does indeed have Lainchans Webring on their board. The forum has all kinds of discussions involving life, tech, and other subjects and is one of the more active forums out there.
Description: Barkod's Basement is a personal site with a fairly simple layout showing some tech blog articles. But also shows that they are running an IRC server as well as a Git repository. They are also hosting a library of various images and PDFs and even have some artwork done of their avatar. Very nice base for their site. Unsure of their last update on content as there are no dates on the articles.
Description: Drifft is one of the older lainchan submissions that surprisingly has an update on their blog roll this year! Seriously dig the punk theme of their site even though their webrings is in dire need of update. Also, some of the pages certainly maintain that underground zine aesthetic. Some of the content site owners' art is scattered about between his articles. Certainly worth checking out.
Description: Bass2Nick is the very reason why YouTube sucks for audio demonstrations and iconifies why having a website is important. Because what you get here is audio delivered exactly the way the vocalist/musician wants to deliver it to you across the net. He has an audiobook section, a music section, and more. He is certainly not lying about that bass too!
Cabbage Sorter
Description: Cabbage Sorter is a neat part of the Webring community in the respect that they have a lot of content in regards to reviewing anime and books. Been on the webring for a very long time. Dig the style of their site. and is still active in 2024. We just think they need to work a little on their webring section *hint hint*:D
Description: Confused is an incredibly brief business-card-styled website that does have a blog section. RSS seems a little glitched out. Only a handful of entries with unknown dates. For something 'slapped together' in a night it does the job.
Description: Eyetower just started with a blog section with a few articles and that's about it right now. Apologies for the supermundane review we just don't have a lot to work with!
Faith in the machine spirits.
Description: Faith in the Machine Spirits is a simple website with some poetry. And flesh. Apparently.;)
Forever Like This
Description: Foreverlikethis is rather content-rich in the fact that the admin is a teacher and thus shares some of those stories of teaching with the rest of the net. As a result has a lot of book recommendations for different topics as well as throwing down their own opinions and reviews on topics, anime, and shows. etc. One of the biggest things this site is going for is it's striving for interconnectivity with as many Webrings as humanly possible. Thus, their site almost serves as a directory listing of some of the more active webrings out there. This site also has a content warning/NFSW area which are just topics that aren't for children. Thus, it's good for the rest of the net!
Gap and Freinds
Description: Gap and Freinds is mostly an art site. The articles have not been updated since 2023 however their art page has been keeping up. We do remember they were having a lot of hosting troubles which is why they originally fell off of my wedding list. However, Glad they are back and are still rocking.
Description: Gau7ilu's website is fairly new on the webring with only a few blog entries but it seems to be off to a great start structure wise.
Halogen Stars
Description: Halogen Stars is a blogger who seems to have stopped around 2022. Although the dream journal is probably the better writing work on this site.
Hellish Chemicals
Description: Hellish Chemicals is just a skeleton of a website with no actual content. A shame! With a title like that, we were expecting improvised explosives. Oh wait, that's a different website!
Description: Havinganame has articles 403 out. The only other thing left is links for FOSS software. That's about it!
Description: hen6003 has possibly one of the hardest fonts I've read for a graphic. Another business-card-style website that has links to some code and a game they have designed. The content is a little on the bare side.
Description: Despite the salute to "The Matrix" Jack ---91 is mostly just a frame. It was built. A "Hello World" post was made and that is all. Not out to bash anyone on the Webring. It's just this feels like one of those projects where the excitement of making a site to post on the webring was a nice rush but then the fun wore out. The admin moved onwards to better things missing out on the additional benefits of posting their thoughts and getting a possible reaction or thumbs up from a person who may write about it years down the road.
Jahan's site.
Description: Jahan's site with the Tree of Life theming is a very nice opening page and gives the illusion that everything is static but in just a few clicks you discover it's in fact a very updated and nice blog as well as some excellent photography going on there.
JYushimatsu's Site
Description: JYushimatsu is nice enough to give you a splash page warning you that you are about to enter the modern equivalent of a GeoCities website complete with animated gifs, flashing lights, and moving fucking everything! Hard to navigate by design. It's mostly an art piece more than a functional personal web that contains information. Although if you dig enough there are some mentions of Japanese arcade cabinets in there. Believe it or not, there IS a Webring in all of this insanity. Which is why this site stays.
Description: Kassy's website from first impressions seems to be a photographic blogger that joined during that joined Lainchan rather early. Also talks about XMPP and website design. The last update on any of their articles was around 2022.
Description: Kinisis is a very clean tech blog that shares their personal experiences with computing and self-hosting. Yeah. Not much more to be said here.:)
Description: Lain LA with the symbol of the navi computer may give you the impression that this is the main hub of the webring. But nope! It's a simple website that is self-hosting a bunch of other web services and the webring is simply one of those services that they do. Not much for a blog or anything personal.
The Lazy Goddess
Description: The Lazy Goddess originally started as just a bookmarking place for webcomics they liked (Which hey, we like webcomics too!) But as we recently have gone through some of their logs they're starting blogs and articles and have expanded out in adding the content to their site. Navigation through the vaporware theming gets a little interesting at times. But it gets the job done!
Luke's Cabin
Description: Is Luke's Cabin really Comfy as fuck?!? Sweet Jiminy fucking Christmas we're not sure! But it's a small site that talks about tech, anime, music, and making some fucking bread! Go ahead and kick in the doors to that cabin if you want that bread! Get it! FUCK!
Description: Maerk's blog is a site dealing a lot with arcade machines. In particular some of the sega based arcades, fightcades and the like. Beyond that they also are focusing a lot on technical blogs of general IT related things and as of late playing even with photography and the outside world. One of the things we liked the most of this persons site is how they're keeping logs and repair progress of the cabinets they own. It's nice to see the insides and we're sure it's helpful for others who also collect arcade cabinets of this nature.
Apologies for not adding to the webring right away. At the time there wasn't anything for links and along with a bunch of articles it seems Marek added the links as well. Thus, we will do the same.
The Minute Man
Description: All right Minute Man! *poke website with a stick* DO SOMETHING! Nothing has been going on here since June 2023. No blogs, updates, photos, nothing. has a lainchan webring. That's it.
Description: mm4rk3t is a tech-style blog that wants to get into programming. It's small. not entirely sure where they are pulling their webrings from as they are crazy out of date. But at least it has something!
Description: Some maps for quake3. We do like our quake3 and thus approve of this site! No blog or articles or anything else. Which really. That's fine!
Description: Mauwq's site did the thing we were expecting a LOOOOOONG time ago when reviewing these pages. They put an "under construction" banner! A true hommage to the GeoCities days as every page is under construction all the time! And in true form. It has been under construction since 2023.
Description: Unfortunately for Nauxnam, the only thing working on this site is the logs... Everything else 404's out for me. Fuck.
Navy Joe Comics
Description: Navy Joe Comics is a welcome addition to the webring as they do indeed work on webcomics and stories. As well as having an active blog. very much worth visiting.
New Digital Era
Description: The New Digital Era uses the window theme that we've seen so many other sites abuse as an excuse to cram as many animated gifs and flashing lights as possible and in turn uses it responsibly, which is nice to see how it's supposed to be used. It's a little sad the dreams are 404'ing out but the blog is active. Very nice place to visit!
Neet Ventures
Description: We are not sure what the hell happened with Neet Ventures. It was on our list and one day. It was gone! Apologies for that! Anyhow. It looks like they updated their website significantly. With music and general posts, they're website has certainly been progressing heavily over the past year.
Nights retro art.
Description: One of the first submissions to the Webring and one that has incredible work with pixel art and pallet minimalism. There are a few gifs of anime in there. But the interesting thing is there are scenes behind some of the pictures that will take you to full-screen animated art with audio. Don't expect a whole lot of text going on here.
No Sleep
Description: We like the initial VHS splash page as it gives a bit of a skateboard video vibe. Unfortunately, not a whole heck of a lot here as it's suffering a bit of data rot with the guest book. The last update according to the logs was in 2021.
Description: One of the older Webring submissions that is still getting updates to this day. This site is neat because it gives recommendations to a lot of the older animes out there as well as talks about making models and has a good photography section(stopped around 2022). Very solid personal blog worth visiting.
Description: I believe this blogger was the original poster that started the Webring channel in the first place. But it's a general blog talking about daily life events. They have multiple photo and art galleries ranging from SecondLife to cels from the anime series Lain. Very neat!
The Philosophers Library
Description: Good start for a place that wants to be a Library. 3 books were uploaded in 2022 and kinda stopped which is unfortunate. Hope they continue onwards.
Present Time
Description: Simple personal blog which for some reason goes off to SoundCloud for one of the pages which may be a restriction of Neocities as to what kind of files you can upload. Last update was in 2023.
Description: You can't say their page isn't colorful! Wow! But beyond that. It's a very content-rich page dealing with psychology and technology with some videos going off to an invidious server (which is far more respectable than YouTube. So good on you there) It's certainly work checking out.
Purple Void
Description: Purple Void is another one of those sites where they build a structure. Aaaaand stopped. Nothing of real content here. Nothing is 404'ing out it's just that there's a lot of one or two-sentence pages and that's it.
Description: Rain is slightly better. Even though there are only five microblog entries from 2022 at least it's something. 2 poetry entries. That's about it.
Rising Thumb
Description: Rising Thumbs website may be simple but you quickly find out when going through each of the pages that all of the time is spent on content instead of form. And there is a lot of writing! From poems to stories. Their blog is up to date. Even have some notes about game development. overall. very reader-centric type of site and a solid one to see on the webring.
Room 4
Description: Room 4 Records is a music project that is a part of Lainchain.. That's new! Has a few bands that work with their organization along with pictures and self-hosted videos which is one of the few websites that do this instead of linking you somewhere else. Unfortunetly. Not much updates since the construction of the site.
Sad Girls Club
Description: Sad Girls Club is not just a blog but it actually hosts a variety of services such as a classical Syncronet BBS, a forum, and they even started their Webring based upon their members. The last blog post was in 2023 but they claim they do more stuff in voice chat than they do on the site. Overall it's a very nice site!
Description: SCIO has a web operator in China who was super cool with me and posted my site among one of the few at first when they first joined the LainChan Webring. This site is one of the reasons why we have to sit back and re-evaluate how to display webrings to viewers. Because they give a brief description next to each site (Kinda dig there's no Chinese word for FURRY it just blasts it out there)
Description: SFTN (Strings From The Network) is a rather simple personal blog where the creator divides it into chapters instead of dates. very mono theme throughout it all except for the occasional pictures within the chapters.
Description: Shr4pnel's website is a simple yet updated personal blog. This invidiual site is often confused/criticized with not having content such as a webring and all of that when in reality he has choosen a single-page design to discuss multiple topics and catagories.
Description: This admin is responsible for pointing us in the right direction regarding the webrings happening with the LainChan community. So blame them! Thank you very much for informing us about this and being a part of their community. Getting down to their website it's a nicely designed site with many different topics. Super brief music reviews. Some art that they share. And finally, a great array of pictures. Certainly, check this person out!
Description: Slime-Net is one of the older Webring sites and is still being updated into 2024. Their primary content is mostly taking snapshots of the homepages they visit and briefly describing them to their readers. Proving that we weren't the first to come up with the idea of visiting/indexing every site that is published. Except from their angle, it's more generalized to sites they found that are cool and beyond just sites within the reach of a Webring.
Description: Fairly new blog with a chat engine as well as a code page. We had to resize their logo as they were 2px larger than webring standards..
Description: Splashy is a fairly new site with already a good amount of articles they are blogging out. We are looking forward to them as they continue to build up their site.
Description: Tinfoil-Hat's later entries deal with survivalism which reminds me of the articles Rant-Radio forums used to talk about having your bug-out-bags and kit. But it's predominantly a Linux blog discussing various topics with some off-topic articles of whatever the admin wants to talk about.
Description: Tohya seems to be a blogger that published a lot of different types of project code. Their blog consists of all sorts of different review articles from video games, movies, TV, and then some general blogs in there as well. The blogging site has been updated to 2024 and their site has been revised multiple times. However, their Weblink section seems a little dated hanging back in the 2020 area. Hopefully, they'll update that soon.
Description: A bit of religion and a bit of general living. It's all that is to see with the two blog articles that are up so far. If they want to put the webring front and center. Then that's more than enough for me to add them here!
Description: Unpop is a fairly simple website describing some of the things the blogger likes in terms of movies, music, etc as well as throwing a few picture up as well. Short and simple.
Description: Vendell's website is mostly tech-blog oriented talking about Nintendo Switch modding which is awesome content as we do love to mod out our systems. There's also a page for their home lab and a page for some photography they've done. It's short. But worth the visit.
Description: Vimfag's website is recently added to this list as of 09/13/2024 . Their statment and we quote "a stupid 18 year old transfem junky cyber-punk programmer girl FUCK" we would like to disagree with. You're not stupid. But we do agree with FUCK!! Ohh sweet tiddly-winks FUCK!!! Anyhow, it's a welcome addition to the webring and they already have some blog articles posted ready to rock and roll.
Warmly Thinking..
Description: This blogger has a little bit of graphical style going for them which is very nice. It appears to be a fairly new website with only a handful of articles that are mostly personal in nature. Tread lightly.
Description: Working Sea is a rather simple website as well with the last blog published back in 2022. Their site also uses FunkWhale to display some of their musical creations.
Description: Simple blog that is up to date and a webVR service that we tried but couldn't get working. Perhaps due to our security plugins? Not sure.
Description: xiixiixii is just pure art. There's no explanation as to what is happening. Simply click and explore to see how it makes you feel.
Clearnet: https://猫.移动/
Description: Xn-Neko is a blogging system similar to a Chan board talking about all kinds of topics from tech to drinking. Dig the background aesthetics of this site. Although we do admit, not the most domain friendliest names out there!
Description: yo252yo was blogging for a while BEFORE joining the Webring similar to us. But has a very cool collection of stories both short story-based as well as picture stories too. Heavy in content and is still updated to this date.
Description: Yukinu is probably the best display of self-hosted services that we've seen. with an owncast streaming service. Hosting their own Invidious server. and So on. Webring hasn't been updated in a while but their blog appears to be running just fine.
Would you like to know more?
We made an article about the death and rebirth of Webrings that we felt was too long to rant about on this page. So we put that article over here if you wish to read it.
Would you like to stick S-Config into your Cellar Door?
That sounded pretty creepy. But that's okay. We like it that way!
Self-shilling - Advertisement MeatSpace.
Where's YOUR link S?!? - Anonymous
"Link" never existed. There was only Zelda. She used Link as an alter ego to justify her horrible actions all across Hyrule while maintaining her supposed royal purity. Being Kidnapped by Gannon is just a psychological metaphor for locking away one's consciousness so Zelda does not have to face the horrors of her actions head-on. Total Fight Club complex.
OH! That "link". Sweet Jimminy fucking Christmas were we off!
Download our banner advertisements.
That being said if you STILL want to add me to your website here are my formatted banners. Because of the aggressive nature of this website, we've 7-zipped the logos for you. You can download it here, or click on the download image within this paragraph.
Animated goodness @ 240x60 size variable but the gif is 3MB in space. Might be a bit of a heavy-boi for some admins.
Static 7KB 240x60 banner for those not feeling like eating 3MB on the animated one.
Need a smol-boy? 88x31 button is available as well!
In closing.
Thank you to those who have inspired us. And thank you to those who placed our badges on your website. It is most appreciated especially in this new era of information war. Take care out there and until next time.
Server protect you.